名無しプレイヤー@手札いっぱい。:2012/09/13(木) 18:21:37.45 ID:cCSOcanH0
・Hanzo Tin
To have maximum power! -
To guide you to victory! -
To shock your opponents! - ショックルーラー (Super)
To rescue you from the jaws of defeat! - レスキューラビット (Super)
To be sneaky and devious! - Hanzo (Secret)
Helios Tin
Rain fire from the skies! - エネアード (Secret)
Use the seas to flood your enemies! -
March forth with an invincible army! -
Unleash an endless stream of vermin to plague your foes! - レスキューラビット (super)
one of the largest dragons that has ever lived! - Sinトゥルースドラゴン (Super)